Blog reboot and revamp!

I've been wanting to start a chronicle of our unschooling adventures and ethos for a while, but reluctant to set up a whole new blog to do so. I thought it would be better to revamp this one with a twist - keeping the theme of frugal living and tying in with our everyday life and the boys' growth through unschooling home education. For no reason other than our own, I want to keep memories now that DS1 has reached "school age".

Today has been busy! Probably more on the homemaking side rather than unschooling, but I suppose life itself is an education! Went out blackberry foraging and managed to get a good haul before the boys got impatient and it was time to go home. Then it was a bit of a marathon in the kitchen of jam, apple scrap vinegar, finishing the last seasoning bake of my new cast iron wok, a batch of chicken bone broth on the hob, brownies at DS1's insistence, then finally dinner! Phew. Luckily Husband was on hand to handle clean up (and lend a hand picking blackberries!). I've been stressing a bit about not getting out enough to pick, but having got 3lbs and quite a few jars of jam, I'm happier. Still would like more, solely because I know how quickly we go through it, and because the apple and plum trees in the garden won't be producing enough to supplement for jam.

I'm keen to find an elderberry source, as I've not picked them before, and I'd like to do both wine and syrup for cold/flu remedy. I'm also determined to finally do rose hips this year too! /ambitious

Yesterday was a bit richer for learning opportunities, as we built a volcano (classic mud + bicarb + vinegar) and also chatted quite a lot about gravity due to their new marble run toy (why the marbles only travel down!). We also acquired another workbook from Aldi, which I know isn't very unschooly, but DS1 likes them and we absolutely only do at his request. He's also been really keen on playing with scissors, so I printed off some fun activity sheets - knowing him he'll probably reject them and go back to chopping random bits of paper but that's what unschooling it about - some strewing (even of structured materials!) with zero expectation :). We have to try lots as a family and only time will tell what sticks!

We're also into our second week of unschooling food - or "unfooding". This has been a long, difficult journey that I may blog about in depth another time, but so far fairly happy boys AND parents. I'm still mentally struggling with them not eating dinner/much hot food, but in general they are eating more in general. Husband also struggles, but he has been supportive so far. I'm wondering if for days when we're not all home to sit down together, if they would prefer a hot meal at midday instead of dinner. They seem to much prefer grazing through the afternoon and not eating much at dinner time, so I wonder if flip flopping might help increase overall consumption, especially of more nutrient dense "hot" foods.

To be continued, Great British Bake Off beckons!


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