Plodding on

It's only 5 days into the month, but I think that makes it harder.  You see your monthly goals and see how far there is to go.  But then another part of you sees 5 days already past - which is almost a week - and starts to panic slightly!

I think I'm doing okay, really, and need to be proud rather than anxious.  I think earning money online is a bit scarier because you don't have this regular, assured weekly total adding up until payday.  Things really do come in dribs and drabs - plus the cashout levels of a lot of websites mean your money won't "come" until it's built up to a substantial amount.

And what about money SAVING? That's much harder to measure!  For us, it's staying within budget and/or even stocking up for the future.  I wonder how other families measure this?  Individual "wins" or a bigger picture?


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