More yogurt & a sewing project

Okay, I know I've been talking a lot about yogurt lately.  My first proper test batch following a procedure exactly went well.  The yield was 840g of yogurt, but I would knock that down to 800g when strained properly (it was late and I just used a spoon to get the whey off rather than straining through a muslin).  That DOES make it cheaper than shop-bought, even when throwing in a few pence for electricity and the dried milk powder thickener.  If you could source super-marked down milk on a short date, it'd be even cheaper.  Interesting!  I'm not sure how often I will actually make yogurt, maybe I will get into a groove with it like I do with water kefir.

What's this on the table?  Cutting out the pattern for making Finn a hat.  With the recent sunshine, I've been feeling very guilty that he doesn't own one.  I realise I could properly source one for cheaper from a charity shop, or heck even Primark, but teaching myself to sew is a bit of a new hobby and I want to stretch myself.  I did get the cheapest fabric I can find.  Unfortunately, it is stalled as I am still waiting on the interfacing I ordered to come, so I can't begin to actually stitch it together.  At this rate, it'll be cloudy and cool again before it's finished!

I have lots of exciting recipes and other tips I want to post soon, just trying to get photos and everything sorted.


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