Food, clothes & recreation!

Today's frugal adventures for the family were:

- first time experiment making homemade yogurt in the slow cooker.  I've never bothered as considering you can get 500g natural yogurt from Lidl for 45p (or Tesco for 49p, I believe), it never seemed to actually stack up to the claim of 'cheaper to make than buy'.  But I thought I'd give it a whirl, weigh the results, and decide for myself.  Plus I like a bit of chemistry in the kitchen!

- went to the library for the first time in ages.  Shameful, I know, but awkward timing of nursery sessions on husband's day off and my driving lessons have generally made it difficult to get down there.  His electricity at work was off, so he came home unexpectedly early!   Bonus frugality as husband mentioned a new book he wanted to buy, so we reserved it at the library instead.  I cannot WAIT to pass my driving test so we can go to the library much, much more often.

- while in town, we also browsed the charity shops.  I almost bought a skirt in addition to the top I did purchase, but put it back as I didn't really 'need' it (but am woefully short on tops).  My real mission was fabric, but I didn't find anything suitable.


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