Food Waste Friday - whey

FoodWasteFriday My frugal blogging hero, Kristen at The Frugal Girl, runs Food Waste Friday and has done for several years.  I think it's a great idea to get us to think about what/how we are eating and how we can do better.

My waste this week is throwing away the whey from yogurt-making last night.  It was late and I didn't plan my bowls very well and was stuck holding a very heavy one full of yogurt, trying not to drop it, so wound up pouring the whey off down the sink.  Oops!  I've heard it's freezeable and/or good for making scones.

I don't have anything in my fridge that needs tossing, though the carrots are starting to look rather sad.  Carrot cake tomorrow, then!

Pictures next week, I promise.


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